Today we organized a conference together with @unhcr_montenegro Montenegro - “Resilience of Women in Displacement Context”.
Around the world, conflict, violence, crises and fragility have forced more than 114 million people to flee their homes as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order. Women and girls are among the worst impacted.
Introduction to the conference started with Mr. Jean-Yves Bouchardy, UNHCR Representative in Montenegro. For more than 3 decades, UNHCR in Montenegro has been protecting those forced to flee, including women and girls. UN Resident Coordinator ad interim, Mr. Vladimir Gjorgjiev,sharing his views on this topic. Ms. Enisa Murseli Gjokaj thanked UNHCR for recognizing IWCM as a partner in addressing this important topic.

“Resilience of Women in Displacement Context"
Second Panel: Women in general are very vulnerable during their time of migration and displacement. GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IS A SERIOUS HUMAN RIGHT ISSUE.
Organizations like UNDP, SOS Niksic, Civic Alliance, Red Cross Montenegro, and the Ukrainian Centre play key roles in addressing these challenges. They offer vital services such as legal assistance, shelter, counseling and access to healthcare, empowering women to rebuild their lives despite adversity.
Third panel was about women empowerment that brought together five incredible women to share stories of sucess moderated by: Dr. Bilge Kalkavan, President of IWCM and Spouse of the Ambassador of Türkiye to Montenegro in an interactive session with the First Lady of Montenegro - Mrs. Milena Milatovic,
Ambassador of Italy to Montenegro - H.E.Andreina Marsella,
Ambassador of France to Montenegro - H.E.Anne Marie Maskay and
UNDP Montenegro Resident Representative, Ekaterina Paniklova.
Adviser Red Cross Montenegro - Milica Joknic, Social Worker
Ukranian centre - Olha Tokarieva, Head of Ukrainian Centre in BudvaAmbassador of Italy to Montenegro - H.E.Andreina Marsella,
Ambassador of France to Montenegro - H.E.Anne Marie Maskay and
UNDP Montenegro Resident Representative, Ekaterina Paniklova.

Moderated by: Helena Krutosikova,
IWCM UNDP Montenegro - Kaca Djurickovic, Gender Programme Manager
NGO SOS Niksic – Nada Koprivica, Executive Coordinator
NF Civic Alliance - Dusica Merdovic, Legal

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